Feb 5, 2012

AMAZING bag sale yesterday

I got a bunch of awesome stuff at the bag sale I went to yesterday (which I dragged my dad to at eight thirty in the morning to wait in line with me. Yes, it was very cold). Other than items I plan on refashioning, I got some pretty good deals for $4 per bag (which I got two of, so yes, I only spent eight dollars).

Item #1)
  I was going to make this shirt into a pillow for my brother
but then I put it on and I thought, "Well, this is surprisingly comfy."
So, the pillow idea flew away into a nearby air duct.

Item #2)
I really like this shirt. If it was only a little longer...

Item #3)
=] I felt like an Easter egg when I wore this.

Item #4)
One of my favorites so far!!

Item #5)
Hello sleeves. Looks like we have a refashion date.

Item #6)
I absolutely love this sweatshirt!!
=] It's my best friend now.

Item #7)
I think I might do something to the sleeves... eventually...

So, please excuse my non-model-like poses as I am not an expert. These clothes I got, especially #6, I can definately consider thrift store scores for me. Of course, I got a bunch of other pieces of clothing but I didn't have time to take pictures of all of them since I had a job interview later that day.
I also have a couple shirts that I will be using as refashion projects later on. But until next Saturday (when the next bag sale is) or until my mommy's sewing machine starts working, I guess I won't have any exciting news to share.

If you found any awesome thirft store scores recently, just comment below and I might just post it here ;]